Prevention of Psychosocial Risks in the Work Environment


We are professionals in the development and application of evaluations.

How we work?

Prevención de Riesgos
  1. Grupo Ono We prepare an initial diagnosis to know the situation of NOM035 in the Client’s Company.
  2. We promote awareness among Company Executives about NOM035.
  3. We analyze the internal documents related to the Development of the Psychosocial Risk Factors Policy.
  4. We establish the dissemination mechanisms required by NOM035 for the Company in conjunction with the project leaders.
  5. We develop the process to Detect Severe Traumatic Events.
  1. We implemented the Severe Traumatic Events Questionnaire I (Reference Guide I).
  2. We apply Questionnaire I to collaborators (GO Platform).
  3. We analyze and present the results of Questionnaire I (Severe Traumatic Events)
  4. We monitor collaborators who require specialized attention from the Company (Accompaniment, documentation).
  5. We developed the process to present complaints for practices contrary to the favorable organizational environment and complaints of acts of workplace violence in conjunction with the project leader.
  6. We review the documentation required by NOM035 for folder assembly before any STPS inspection.
Psicosociales en el Entorno Laboral

Psychosocial Risk Factors and
Favorable Organizational Environment

1. We develop the process to detect the Factors of Psychosocial Risk.

2. Development of the process implementation of Questionnaire II of Psychosocial Risk Factors (Reference Guide II).

3. We apply the Questionnaire II (Psychosocial Risk Factors).

4. We generate, analyze and we present the results of the Questionnaire II.

5. We develop the process to detect Risk Factors Psychosocial and the Environment Organizational Favorable.

6. We develop the process of implementation of the diagnosis of Psychosocial Factors and the Environment Organizational Favorable (Guide to Reference III).

7. We apply the Questionnaire III (Psychosocial Risk Factors and Favorable Organizational Environment).

8. We generate, analyze and we present the results of the Questionnaire III.

9. We analyze and present the Results of Questionnaire III of in accordance with what is required by the NOM 035.

10. We review the documentation required by NOM035 for the armed with a folder before any STPS inspection.

Organizational Intervention

We develop an Organizational Intervention Program according to the results by Category, Domain and Dimension derived from the application of Questionnaires II and III (Psychosocial Risk Factors and Favorable Organizational Environment).